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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Photos From the May Day March for Immigrant Rights

Here are some of the pictures I took at U.C.I.R.'s March for Immigrant Rights which was held on May 1st along the Strip in Vegas. The full pics (all 143 of them) can be seen on my facebook profile in the photo section. I also have most of them posted on myspace, but some of the files were too big to add there, so there are only 98 of them. It was a rather good (but busy) afternoon and I got some good shots.
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Material Girl said...

Fantastic. Keep at it.


Kelly W. Patterson said...


Elián Maricón said...

Awesome pics! THanks!

puddy said...

hey! I remember when the LA police beat the crap out of everybody at a May Day parade!

anyway, where you been man? come back to the internets...

Kelly W. Patterson said...

It still amazes me that people are so shocked that the Government isn't supporting the protesters in Iran. They routinely beat and then arrest peaceful protesters in this country and there are eight individuals awaiting trial on multiple felony charges for "conspiring" to hold a protest at the RNC. Yet people expect the same Government to come riding to the aid of the people in Iran like some b-movie cavalry.

Kelly W. Patterson said...

Yeah, I'm back Puddy. The internets should have never misunderestimated me.

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